Tuesday, November 6, 2007

i recieved my colloidal silver today

Today's blog is a testimony from someone in one of the forums which I moderate that has become a very dear friend of mine, Trapper. Upon seeing his post, I immediately asked him if I could have the honor of blogging it. Thank you for saying yes Trapper.



and some other very fine gifts from tony. thank you, very much.

now, i taught myself about silver early on in my health quest and have seen it do amazing things. i dont sell silver, so i can make even more bold statements than the good folks at utopia.

i have seen silver save the lives of cats and dogs. i know of a 14 yo boxer that should have died a long time ago and who was poisoned by the bad dogfood from china recently so that he stopped walking and he is friskier today than he has been in years. i have seen cats who were poisoned by teflon so bad that they gained terrible weight and hissed at everything in extreme anxiety and panic lose weight and become friendly after ingesting silver. my dad was given some little dogs one time and they all acted like they had parvo and got to the point they wouldnt eat. a couple of weeks after starting them on silver, they were eating and getting pregnant and having healthy puppies. i have also cured a case of mrsa on the leg of a friend of mine which the doctors had given up on.

i checked the website of utopia and found it congruent with all that i have learned about silver. the product they have is exactly what a person wants for any use, internal or external, in any orifice and for any infection, be it viral or bacterial, fungal or mold. if the silver can get to the effected area and/or if it remains wet as with external use, it will do its job.

thanks again for everything tony. i am going to use the colloidal gold over the next weeks and will have a report on that at some point. i have done a little colloidal gold from the mesosilver people a few years back. i am in much better shape now and will be able to tell more about it.

thanks for the soap, too. you must have heard of my two weeks without a bath! lol.

love to you all and good luck to utopia in fighting the despots our government has become.

the one and only


Visit Utopia Silver and pick up your Colloidal Silver today.

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